Thursday, February 25, 2010

Random Photo: Avilon Sunset

Okay, I noticed that lately I can't think of anything to post, unless there's some sort of photo opportunity. But such opportunities don't come everyday, for now at least. I'm too busy to do some sort of Project 365, and lately I've been commuting to work (with a heavy laptop) so bringing a camera is out if the question.

So to keep the ball rolling, I'll try to explore old photos that I took, maybe I'll start with those taken before this blog existed. I hope this helps inspire me in taking more photos, and at the same time improve my storytelling skills. let's just see if I can sustain this.

For my first random photo, a sunset shot from Montalban, Rizal. It was past five in the afternoon, and it was my first time to visit Avilon Zoo (with George and Jayson). Back then my 400D was only a few months old, and I was the only one with a DSLR. The sunset caught our eyes as Jayson's car traversed the rough road that leads people in and out of the zoo. And the reflection from the nearby rice field made it even better. I probably love this shot more than those I took inside the zoo.

Settings aside, this shot was taken using the kit lens. With photography, sometimes less is more.

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