It's bittersweet that last night's concert is finally over. Sweet in a sense that they were able to finish it and it didn't feel bitin, but bitter because it's now uncertain if they will ever get together again.
There are so many memorable stints from last night, and Burn does justice in telling the whole story (see links below). But for me, probably the best part is the extended set, where we were able to jump from Silver to Gold. You can really feel that the band wanted to perform, and there's this positive vibe among them. It was also a fitting tribute to their departed friend FrancisM, and it gave me goosebumps when they sang a part of Kaleidoscope World. Oh, and the fireworks at the back when they sang Ang Huling El Bimbo (supposedly the last song) was just awesome.
So again, thank you so much Ely, Marcus, Buddy, and Raimund. The legacy lives on.
By the way, please check these links from Burn's Multiply account:
Our pictures from last night.
Burn's detailed concert report.
nakalabas na kami nung nag 3-for-the-road-encore pa sila! sana naka punta din kami sa gold! but nonetheless, ONE AWESOME EXPERIENCE!