It seems like Apple released some new products lately. And with that, my MacBook just became obsolete, err, I mean classic. Talk about fast paced technology.
I am aware of a new iPhone coming to the market since photos and news have leaked as early as May. But new MacBook Pros? Apparently, the unibody MacBook (the one I have) is now classified as a MacBook Pro. For the same price I paid for mine, I could have gotten these: slightly faster processor, double the RAM, FireWire 800, and an SD card slot. Everything else remains the same.
I could actually care less for the processor and card slot. The FireWire would have been nice (something I look for back then when purchasing a laptop), but since I don't have anything that connects via FireWire, it could give it a pass. But double the RAM? Now that makes me sad, since last time I checked, DDR3 modules are still expensive. I also forgot to mention that the battery life is almost double on the new 13 inch model.
There's also a new 15 inch MacBook Pro, with the addition of an entry level one that shares most of the specs of the 13 inch model (which means no dedicated graphics card). The rest of the lineup also received updates.
Even with the updates, I'm still happy with my MacBook. It still functions the way it should, and we should just accept that technology is just so darn progressive these days. At least when I upgrade in the future I know I have a choice of getting a smaller (and more affordable) MacBook Pro. And I'm also happy that I delayed my iPhone purchase.
iPhone 3G S Tech Specs
MacBook Pro (13") Tech Specs
MacBook Pro (15") Tech Specs
Speaking of iPhones, I want to share with you guys something I bought in the US: an iPod Touch.
So the story goes like this. Roxanne wanted an iPhone as a present, so I decided to check them out, since they appear to be cheaper in the US. But what I forgot to check is the fine print, which states a lock-up for two years with AT&T, no warranty coverage here in the Philippines, and of course the infamous jailbreak to make it work here. Not a good bargain in my opinion.
So I got her the next best thing: a 16GB iPod Touch. I got it cheaper too thanks to Tita Nery's Costco membership. I really loved it when I started to test it, so I also got the same model for me. Yey! Oh, I also purchased an iHome speaker with FM radio for my iPod.
I love the iPod Touch because it's more than just an iPod. I use it to watch videos* (keeps me up to date with CSI), take notes, and to surf the web*. It's so much fun to surf the web using the iPod Touch, the browser (Safari) is just so easy to use. No Flash animation though.
There are also tons of apps for the iPod Touch. Just check out the App Store on your iTunes to find out.
I'm not sure if I would get the new iPhone next year when my subscription with Globe expires, but for now I will enjoy my iPod Touch. When I find the time I might write more about this amazing gadget.
iPod Touch Tech Specs
What Ken Rockwell says about the iPod Touch (scroll down)
*Disclaimer: Watching videos and/or surfing the web for prolonged periods using the iPod Touch may hurt your eyes. I should know, I get headaches and near sighted vision when I do so.
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