Until I realized that last Saturday, August 16, was actually my sixth year with my present company, Unionbank of the Philippines. I felt so nostalgic that I should at least try to write something about it.
Let me rewind to the year 2002, I was a fresh graduate at that time, and to be honest, I couldn't consider myself as an Einstein when I was still in school. It took me seven months to finally land a spot in the corporate world, thanks to Unionbank. But I wasn't offered a job related to computers (well, not yet). They hired me as a bank teller, and being that fresh graduate just looking for opportunities, I didn't have second thoughts and grabbed it.
Life as a bank teller was a mixture of fun and hardship. I experienced not having my lunch for days in a row, and going home when the sun has already hidden its mystic glow, just to name a few. But here I also met some of my closest friends, one of which is Jhen. Even though there were times that I regretted my stint as a teller, I will always be thankful for the things I've learned and for the friends I've gained from my stay in the branch.
Luckily, after two years of being a front liner, I had the chance to join Electronic Banking, my current department. It was also a career boost for me in so many ways, and a source of new friends and experiences.
In general, Unionbank has made a big impact on me, not only on my career but on my personal being as well. I have experienced a lot during the past six years, some of which are those that I missed out in school. In Unionbank, I also met Roxanne, who is someone really dear to me.
Anyway, I just realized again that the from the title up to the first paragraph of this post has no relation whatsoever to the rest of this writing. And for some reason, I'm not even sure if I'm making any sense with everything written above this paragraph. I guess all I want to say is that I am thankful that I am a part of Unionbank. I'm not sure if my stay here will last another year, or another five years, for there will come a time that other opportunities will arrive and one must move on. But when that time comes, I will never forget my days as a Unionabanker. For now, I'll just enjoy my stay in this institution.
By the way, I have some more pictures of Debbie here. I sure hope you guys would take time to visit the said link.
you should have entitled this as: My Unionbank Experience" hehehe... come to think of it, we were just one year apart in joining the bank. yesterday, aug 18, was my 5th year here as well. happy anniv to us! (lol). and btw, thanks for the special mention...