Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Photo Safari Part One: Manila Ocean Park

I'm kinda beat up from the summer heat and from carrying all the photography stuff that I have, plus tomorrow I have to go back to work. But I still want to post the outcome of my one day photo op with my high school buddy Mac.

The main lobby and ticket booth.

We dedicated the morning to visiting the fairly recent Manila Ocean Park. I got a discount since I'm a Manila resident, but a visit would usually set you back PHP400.00 (PHP 350.00 for minors).

For some reason, I'm reminded of SpongeBob whenever I see this fish.

Since I'm really tired, I want to shorten my story. It was really hard photographing the fishes, due to the lack of light inside the complex and the occasional reflection from the glass. You can check my gallery here.

If you've been to Hong Kong's Ocean Park, you'll probably recognize this, minus the walkalator.

In my opinion, PHP400.00 is too much. I don't know, but I'm not fully satisfied with my visit. Although the complex is only halfway done, I guess the only thing missing is the mall. I hope I'm wrong, I really want to see this palce flourish.

On a lighter side note, Mac and I were sort of wearing the same shirt, same pants, and we were almost sporting the same camera bag (Crumpler). One of the attandants asked Mac if we work for Crumpler, and if the black collared shirts we were wearing was Crumpler's new uniform. Mac jokingly replied "kinda".

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