Saturday night with Steve and Rena at Bubba Gump Greenbelt 3.
The past week has been great because we got to hang out with friends that I haven't seen in a long time. Last Monday, it was with former colleagues Ferdie, Bobby, and Wilma. These guys were my first set of friends when I started working. It was supposed to be a short dinner, but these guys are so lively that we had to stay a little longer.
Saturday night was with college buddy Steve and his wife Rena. I haven't seen this guy in a long time due to his busy schedule, hopefully next year they get to visit Manila again (both of them are based in Dumaguete). It was nice remembering our college days, as well as catching up with what's new, as well as picking up some wedding preparation tips from the new couple.

This is actually Roxanne's new toy, it was either this or the Ixus 120 IS. Personally, I prefer something with a hotshoe like the Panasonic LX3 or the Canon Powershot G11, but the size of this baby is just right for Roxanne, and the features and image quality are great for something this small (like a baby DSLR).
Got this at Watson in Hidalgo for PHP25000, which is sort of a middle price between gray market units (around 17K) and those sold in the malls (around 31K). For the price, it comes with a 4GB SD card, a leather case, and is also entitled to three years warranty and a free Lonely Planet book upon registration online. What a bargain.
We would have taken it for a test drive tonight, but since I'm not feeling well we decided to do that some other time. So no pictures from the S90 for now.

Last night was superb! Nice food, a great view of the metropolis, and an opportunity to take pictures, all these while enjoying the evening with my ever lovely fiancee.
The Sky Lounge at Vivere Suites isn't new to us. In fact, Roxanne and I had one of our most memorable dates here a few years back, when I was still courting her. I say memorable because we got lost going here, thanks to all the detour caused by the widening project of SLEX. Imagine, it took us four hours to get there from Makati (for comparison, it took us 20 minutes to get there last night from Makati).
I highly recommend this place. Sky Lounge and Top of the Citi are the only restaurants I know that offers a stunning view of Metro Manila. In case you're reading this and have ideas on where to dine with a similar ambiance, please let us know.
One thing I have to mention is that it was surprisingly windy last night. It provided a challenge in everything: from keeping our napkins to making sure our hair didn't go astray to taking pictures. Yes, even with a tripod you get some camera shake with all that wind, or maybe I'm just using a cheap tripod. Even my credit card was blown away from the table, thankfully it landed on the floor.
Oh, this post wouldn't be complete without a link to the pictures. You can view them here. Cheers.
Learn more about Apple's new mobile operating system here.
Being an iPod Touch 2nd Generation owner, and with my iPhone reservation from Globe in the works, this news excites me. I think this bridges the gap between the Apple and its competitors. Some new features include:
- multitasking;
- customizable home screen;
- folders for apps (which increases the app limit from 180 to 2160);
- iBooks;
- integrated Mail app (good for those with multiple email accounts);
- iAd (which brings rich ad content, and could help lessen the price of apps and other content);
- and many others.
I'm ecstatic about the folders update, since I hate deleting apps from my iPod Touch every now and then. It's too bad though that I wouldn't be able to take advantage of multitasking, since this requires a 3rd Generation iPod Touch, but I guess multitasking is more critical for iPhone owners, it's a hassle to quit an app just to answer a call.
Now the question is, should I proceed with my iPhone 3G S reservation, or just be patient and wait for new hardware by June/July? Ah, the wait is killing me.