Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Keeping The Blog Alive

It's been a while...

Asides from work, so many activities kept me from blogging during the past weeks:

* Jhen and Tin's birthday
* a trip to Tagaytay with Roxanne (unfortunately, I got sick on the way back to Manila)
* a family reunion
a high school reunion of some sort
* Valentine's day
a fiesta
* a really long weekend with Roxanne
* some other stuff that I could not recall

I'm not so sure if someone actually takes time to read this blog, but if there are people who visit this site, THANK YOU. I guess mainatining a blog is no walk in the park for someone as busy as me.

I'll try to post more in the coming days...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

PhotoWorld 2008 Experience

For some reason, I didn't enjoy this year's event as compared to the previous ones. Maybe it's because I bought so much gear last year. Or maybe I missed some of the fun events (like the cosplay held over the weekend).

It's also weird that Sony didn't have a booth. Even though I use Canon, I always look forward to seeing what Sony has in store for us. Last year, I got to try out their Alpha 100 DSLR. Sweet.

Anyway, there were still some bright spots during the weeklong event. I got to see the latest bags from Kata, Lowepro and Tamrac (man, I love the CompuRover AW, too bad it's expensive). I also got to try out the EOS 5D from Canon, as well as the new EOS 40D.

My friend Gelsen was able to buy a Stofen for his pop-up flash during the event. It's really handy, but right now I'd rather save for a real speedlight. To each his own, I guess. Photo below shows the Stofen attached to his Nikon D40.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Night Shots At Mall Of Asia

Last Friday, most photo enthusiasts went to Glorietta for the annual PhotoWorld event (I'll try to post something separate about this soon). Roxanne and I, however, went to Mall of Asia. With my old but reliable Canon G5, I took some night shots of the boulevard behind the mall.

I love taking night shots. It all started with this photo that I took some years ago. One of my colleagues actually had it printed, similar to a postcard. From then on I always try to take long exposures whenever possible. I just look for a ledge or anything to place my camera on, and set my camera to Tv mode (in the past, I usually max it out to 15 seconds, now I try to experiment with shorter exposures).